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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is a simple and fast way to reduce stress.Nowadays more and more people are stressed about many things in their lives.We all know that chronic stress puts our health at risk.We must take in charge of our lives and try to bring us out of this stressful condition.

The best way to help ourselves is meditation.Everyone can practice meditation,it's simple and it doesn't require any special equipment.You can practice anywhere and whenever you like.

Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.During meditation we focus our attention,and that, eliminates the stream of bad thoughts that cause stress.

Meditation gives us a sense of calm and peace which helps our emotional well being and health.It helps us focusing on the present,it reduces negative emotions,and increases self awareness.

When we meditate,we clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contribute to our stress.Meditation also might be useful if we have a medical condition,as it is very well known the power of our mind.

Some ways we can practice meditation are:

* Breathe deeply .Focus all attention on your breathing,concentrate on feeling and listening as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils.

* Scan your body .Focus on different parts of your body,and become aware of your body's sensations whether that's pain,tension warmth or relaxation.Combine body scanning with your breathing exercises,and imagine breathing heat or relaxation into and out of different parts of your body.

* Repeat a mantra .You can create your own mantra,you silently repeat a calming word , phrase or thought,to prevent distracting thoughts.

* Visualization.You settle down comfortably,and you begin by becoming aware of your thoughts and distractions that are arising in your mind.Then gently turn your attention to your breath,letting it's rhythm remain normal.As you breath out,imagine that you are breathing away all disturbing thoughts and distractions in the form of black smoke vanishing in the space.As you breath in imagine that you are breathing only blessings and inspiration,in the form of white light which enters your body and absorbs into your heart.Maintain this visualization single-pointedly with each inhalation and exhalation for twenty one rounds or until your mind is peaceful and alert.

The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful,so we will be free from worries and mental discomfort,and eventually we will be free from stress.But,we must meditate every day,several times a day,in order to experience a purer form of happiness.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Be Grateful,Be Positive,Imagine

Photo: To create your tomorrow, go over your day when you are in bed tonight just before you fall asleep, and feel #gratitude for the good moments. If there was something you wanted to happen differently, replay it in your mind the way you wanted it to go. As you fall asleep, say, "I will sleep deeply and wake up full of energy. Tomorrow is going to be the most beautiful day of my life." Rhonda Byrne from #TheSecret Daily Teachings #LOA #sleep

To create your tomorrow, go over your day when you are in bed tonight just before you fall asleep, and feel #gratitude for the good moments. If there was something you wanted to happen differently, replay it in your mind the way you wanted to go. As you fall asleep, say, "I will sleep deeply and wake up full of energy. Tomorrow is going to be the most beautiful day of my life.

I borrowed the above from The Secret.
The Secret can be the path to lead you to happiness,and abundance,it all depends on how you use it.
When you know The Secret,your life will change forever.
Use the power of imagination and gratitude to change your life to the best.We attract what we think and imagine.
Life FOLLOWS you! Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not. Life is not happening to you… life is FOLLOWING you.
Be positive,give love,be grateful and think big!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Love yourself,Create the life you are dreaming

STOP being negative, THINK positive.

LOVE yourself, BELIEVE in the strength you have deep inside.

DON'T rely on others,just believe that you can do it by yourself and only.

DREAM big,after all dreaming doesn't cost anything.

YOU and only YOU can create and manifest what you desire in your life.

EACH person on this earth exists for a reason,do not underestimate yourself.

VISUALISE all these things that will make you happy,and BELIEVE that you already have them, feel the joy and happiness.

Visit my post "Think Positive To Change Your Life to The Best" and implement the affirmation about the Breath.It really works.

If you want something so much,and take out of your mind all the negative thoughts,which tell you that you cannot have it,if you believe strongly that you can achieve your goals and desires,then be sure that you will make it,because this is how it works.THIS IS LIFE.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How To Use The Law Of Attraction And Be Happy

We,as humans,have magnetic frequencies which attract whatever we are vibrating.Here are some steps of how to use Law Of Attraction:

Pay attention to how you feel. If you are not feeling good, ponder what it is you are thinking that is causing you to feel bad. Work that Subject over in your mind until you have a new thought that raises your vibration. Your feelings are a built-in barometer for how you are vibrating.

Challenge your ingrained beliefs. If you have a pattern of thinking the same way about a particular subject matter—money, health, relationships—you will find that you have ingrained beliefs that are coming up whenever that subject matter comes to mind. Those beliefs can be empowering or they can be dis-empowering ones. Taking a look at your existing circumstances gives you a glimpse as to your overall vibration because whatever you are living - is a reflection of that. That is a good place to start in re-thinking your beliefs.

Let everyone off the hook. Counting on others to behave a certain way in order for you to be happy is a trap. Just like you cannot jump through all the various hoops required in order to make the people close to you happy—the same thing applies to you being able to accommodate all those demands. Take charge of your life and understand that you can be happy no matter what others are doing. It just takes a different perspective. Happier people attract more circumstances to be happy about.

Let yourself off the hook. Stop fretting over all the perceived mistakes you have made. The other people involved in those situations are most likely not even still thinking about what happened. And if they are, it is because they have not been willing to give up that incident in favor of being happy now. Whatever happened, happened. Get over it. Today is a new day with lots of opportunities to do things differently based on what you learned about your preferences.

Love. If you can feel absolute love for everything and everyone around you, you will be in complete and utter harmony with the Universe. Every good thing will come to you!

Believe you deserve a piece of the money cycle. One of the things that people seem to really want the most is money. Money is fantastic, and there is plenty of it. All you have to do is believe that you have all the money you want/need. Write tremendous, million-dollar checks or use Monopoly money to pretend you have all of this money. When you can feel good and secure about money, that's when the magic of wealth begins. Oh, and always feel grateful for any amount of money. Gratitude attracts support.

  • The more you focus on negative emotions, the worse you will feel and the more negative circumstances you will attract. Focus on someone/something you truly care about or love, and then you'll automatically feel good if you think about it for a minute.
  • This is like building a new muscle. And just like exercising a muscle on your body—it is cumulative. 
  • Now is the time to change. Your existing circumstances show who you were, not who you are. The frequency you are on now affects the person you will be, so make sure you feel good!
  • You didn't get to where you are in one day and you won't change things around in one day.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Quotes Of Success

Here are some quotes of success:

"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Les Brown

"If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn

 “Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins

 “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Donald Trump

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Napoleon Hill

 “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein

Monday, June 10, 2013

Setting goals in your life

Setting goals is very important for our future success.Everyone of us is spending countless hours to think about our present life and our future as well.We all wish to improve our life,and the first thing we do to change the present situation is to set goals.

But why is it important to set goals in our lives?Below you can find some good reasons for that:

1) You take control of your life,because by setting a goal,it gives you direction and helps you decide where to go in your life.

2) You focus on the important things.Goals help us sort out what is important or not to our life.You will spend time to achieve what matters to you.

3) You will make good decisions,because goals will help you identify and establish your priorities.

4) You will be self-confident and enthusiastic,because when you set a goal and measure the achievement,you will be able to see what you are capable of.Achieving your goals will make you believe in yourself,and be more confident.

5) You are closer to success,because goals are the starting point of success.A good start is half the way to success.



1. Specific

Specific means that you describe your goal in as much detail as possible, the more clearly defined, the better.

For example, "I will be fitter than I am now " is a general goal. Instead, "Jogging five miles once a week " is a specific goal. If you dream of a new car, what dose the new car look like? You decide on an "Audi A4, red, including navigation system". Good, this is a specific goal.

The more precise you can be, the better.

2. Measurable

To see if your goal is measurable, you may ask questions such as How many? How much? How do I know when the goal is achieved?

You will know how you process your goal when making it measurable. You stay on track, reach your goal little by little, and see your progress.

If a goal can not be measurable, it is not a smart goal. That's why "happy" or "successful" are not goals as such. Be specific! "I want to run 10 miles every day " shows the specific target to be measured. "I want to be a good runner" is not as measurable.

3. Achievable
It means that you can complete the goal. It doesn't mean easy, just that you can have a reasonable expectation of achieving the goal.

4. Relevant
Relevant means that the goal is important to you. It's something that you genuinely want, that fits in with your values and beliefs, and that you are prepared to work towards the goal.

It's important to distinguish here between a goal and a passing thought. For example, you may like the notion of becoming a top racing driver, but are you really prepared to get up early and train every single day for the next 5 years?

5. Time-bound
Time-bound is the last factor. It means you have to put a deadline on achieving your goal. Well, suppose we don't put a deadline, how long is it going to take? Maybe forever. So add a completion date to your goal.

Once you have set up a goal, find out if your goal is smart according to this system. Adjust your goal until it is a smart goal.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Is money important to our life?
Can money buy happiness?

Cash is the most important factor in making us feel content and happy.Although an old saying teaches us that money can't buy happiness,nowadays we realise that the absence of money means the absence of essencial things from our life.

Having money is crucial to survival,it gives us power,independance and the choice to live the life we want.It's not bad to desire more money,to dream of it,and to work for it.But earning money must not be our only priority.Other things also matter in life.

There is a common misconception:many people assume that the more money they make the happier they will become.To an extent, that's true.When we have no house to live in,no warm food on the table and no car to move around,making more money does increase our happiness.But beyond a certain point,additional income brings no increase in happiness.

Money is necessary to meet basic needs,but not sufficient for life happiness.It's a piece of the pie in overoll life satisfaction,along with relationship satisfaction,health,spiritual wellbeing,and meaningful work.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Think Positive To Change Your Life To The Best

Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.
Sidney Madwed

I strongly believe that the above positive affirmation quote is very true.We cannot fool our subconcious mind,and we must try to meditate in order to connect with our Higher Self.
Focusing on and pursuing our goals through affirmations will assist us with implementing new habits of thought and behaviours,that will lead us to more positive,fulfilling life.


Positive thinking statements,are affirmation sentences expressed in a positive way.Positive affirmations have a calming and empowering effect,and repeating them frequently will help us change or reinforce our self image as we choose we want to be.

Being grateful and expressing our gratitude through affirmations is a very good start.

I am thankful for all that I am and that I have

Feel thankful for the smallest and simplest things which you have in your life,like food,your car,your job,your friends,your house,your eyes to see,the birds you hear singing,the money you have even if it's little, etc and repeat your gratitude as many times as you can.Make this a daily habit,and you will see your life change to the best.

A very good affirmation has to do with breath,

In breath you think "The more i breathe"
Out breath you think"The more i ......"

For instance: The more i breathe,the better i feel
                    The more i breathe,the more money i receive
                    The more i breathe,the easier everything is

Friday, March 15, 2013

Is Blogging an Easy Thing?

At first,when i started my blog,i thought that blogging is a very easy thing to do,and since so many people do it,why not me as well?

I didn't know anything about traffic,actually i believed that if i write a post,then immediately this would come out to search engines,and would be traceable so that i would have massive visits to my blog.
You see i only created my blog about three months ago,without having an idea of how to set it,or what the purpose would be,or even what the niche would be.I said i would try,and if i would not succeed anything,at least i had the experience of starting a blog and failing,and let it dead as so many sites and blogs are.

But here i am now,struggling to develop my blog to a decent one,that people who visit,will have the interest in reading my posts,because now i care about my blog,and i feel it as if it were my little baby.
Because i have not technical computer skills at all,nor i have a knowledge of understanding terminology,i finally find blogging very difficult,and sometimes disappointing that i move forward with a turtle's steps.

One serious obstacle that i face,is the language,as i wanted my posts to be in english,without this being my native language.I am writing in a simple way,not very literally,but i think people can understand what i want to say,although i cannot extend to more qualified writing views.

Usually most people when they see that time passes and have no results at all,they quit,and i think that this is because they don't fit to a bloggers profile.What is a blogger's profile?

Well, first thing a blogger needs,is to have passion for what he does,to blog from his heart,and write about subjects he is passionate.

Then he should take blogging as a learning process,blogs can be a perfect study tool,as long as the blogger can commit to a lot of time and energy.

And last but not least,a blogger must be persistent-anyway success doesn't come overnight.

So having these,and a lot more in my mind,i insist on blogging,and i believe that in time,all my work will be rewarded,first in knowledge,and then in having more visitors(not to complain, so far i have some thousands who have surfed into my blog),and my target is to give quality content,and in the future maybe monetise my blog.

Thank you dear readers for visiting my blog!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Winners In Life

Since the day we are born,a long journey to life starts.The miracle of creation gives us the
opportunity to come on this planet,and experience the sweet and bitter side of living.
The lucky ones are born with all the comforts to their feet or with a loving family around them,growing in a healthy environment without knowing how hard could life be for others.
On the other hand,there are those who, from the very first moment they come to life,they struggle to obtain the right to live.They grow up with a continual fight to the adversities of life,and some can manage it,others not.

The most important is the attitude that we hold, during our passage to this earth, that will contribute to our success.We should be taught from our early years,how to think, act,and behave in order to bring to our life the things that we desire.
If you read "The Secret"or other similar books,they all try to teach us the way we should think, meditate,act,so we attract abundance,happiness,health,or anything else we dream.

But because most of us are growing up in a negative surrounding ,with don'ts and must not,we find it difficult to cope,and change the way we think.It takes a lot of effort, study and exercise to manage put our mind on the positive thinking side,and also reject the thoughts that contribute to attracting all the bad things to our life.

So,to be winners in life,to succeed in all aspects no matter in which way we had been grown up,we must improve our ability to direct our thoughts and emotions to what we desire in our life.

Friday, March 1, 2013



Take action today,chase your dreams and passions,reward yourself with the gold star of success!

But what does it take to start the journey of making our dreams a reality?
We need a motivation,we need to start a fire under ourselves,to stop finding excuses and create our future with all means we can.

We need inspiration and imagination,to visualise that we already live our dream,and believe that the impossible is already possible or better that is a fact.

We must stop lying to ourselves that we have what we want,there is always something more that we need or like to have.Habit is an enemy which delays us from taking action.And as some people say that God helps those who help themselves,let's help us,let's take our chances without being afraid of failure.The only sure thing is that during the procedure we will get knowledge,we will learn from our mistakes,and we will come out stronger than ever.

Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. When none worked satisfactorily, his assistant complained, “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.”
Edison replied very confidently, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.”

So,success comes after much effort,after learning from our mistakes,with percistence and determination!

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese proverb

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The path to success

The path to success is not straight.We don't wake up one morning and say we are succesful.On our way to achieve success we will find curves,loops,obstacles,which means that we will meet failure,confusion,enemies,hesitation,and a lot more that will hold us back,and delay us from reaching our dreams .

But what is SUCCESS?

Success is obtaining what we want.It's a life project,on which we have to be working continuously,and following one step after another with faith, persistance and determination.

First of all we have to be clear about what success means for us.Success has a different definition for people.What we really need is to have a vision,and to have faith that we will make this vision a reality.

We need to plan our future,and take action today.We have to be fearless about failure,and learn from our mistakes.But the most important is to have a positive attitude as our mind is more powerful than what we have thought.

Constantinos Kavafis a great Greek Poet wrote:

.When you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.

........and success will finally come,even having the experience of the journey of life is success!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

From your Valentine

Happy Valentine's day to all!!

Saint Valentine's day is celebrated in many countries,it's a festive of love,and people use to exchange cards and gifts as an expression of their love to each other.

The most popular martyrology of Saint Valentine is that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry,and for ministering to Christians who were persecuted under the Roman Empire.During his imprisonment he fall in love with the daughter of his jailer,and before his execution,he wrote "From your Valentine",as a farewell to her!

The day is associated with romantic love,or better say,devoted to love and romance!
Authors and poets have been trying to capture love in words for thousands of years.Here are some quotes of love,

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
- Aristotle

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
- Lao Tzu

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward in the same direction.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Saint Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 7, 2013

About Friendship

Friends-Friendship.These are so strong and so important words in our lives,and blessed are those who have true friends!Blessed and lucky at the same time,because all of us have friends,and some of us have many,but how many of those are truly good friends,who love sincerely and care?

A friend must love without terms,must be there for you, in bad moments he will cry with you and try to give you strenght,and in good moments he will be happy for you.

A friend must not be competitive,and try to prove that he is better,on the contrary,a friend must encourage the other to go on, and be happy to see his friend succeeding,and living a beautiful life!The words above

"If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile... But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me."

Friday, February 1, 2013

Writing a successful post on my blog

Are there rules in writing a post?
It seems that if someone wants to write a succesful post,he has to follow a motif or several steps in order to catch the attention of the reader and keep his interest till the end of the article!

There are many sites and blogs that give us advice and tips of how to write a great blog content.But even with all this help,why can't i follow and do what they say we should do?I like to write what comes out of my heart even if this is not considered as a professional article!

My biggest hurdle is to decide what the topic will be,and then comes the doubt!!Is it a good subject?Will someone want to go through and read it to the end?Am i a good writer?What the title is going to be?

These and more questions are bothering my mind.We all know that a powerful title is very important to attract more readers to the post,so we have to be creative and put our imagination to work so to find a good title and that should be from 5 to 10 words the most.

Then we have to think what our goal is?What do we want to accomplish by writing an article?My target at this point is to express myself,my thoughts,and of course to keep my blog fresh and running.

And now we come to writing.Words are floating out of my mind,and i say- hey this is an easy thing to do.
But is not easy at all,this is an article that i want others to read,and this makes me hesitate to continue.What do i do?Do i stop here and delete what i wrote,being afraid that people will not like my post?

No,i get the decicion to go ahead,after all we are all humans,and we all have the right to make mistakes,but also the right to express ourselves in a way that matters for us!!

Please be free to leave a comment if you like my post!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who is really rich in this life?

Almost everybody on this earth nowadays is chasing wealth or at least to earn more money in order to make his life more comfortable and meaningful.Everywhere you look, you see people stressed, struggling to go ahead.Life is getting harder,competition is harder,relations are difficult to be kept alive goes on....

But is a rich man happier than a poor one?Whom we consider rich in this life?Just the one who has everything in materials?How about the ones who are rich in feelings,rich in love?
Rich in having true friends or healthy family?

Materialism turned people into feelingless creatures in most values of life,leaving behind and missing other most important things and at the same time simple things.
It's not easy to change priorities in life,but of course it's not right to be left behind.We need to be ambitious and set goals in order to succeed in life,and it's not bad to dream of a better future and fight for it,only we must not forget that there are also a lot more joys of life!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Look good,feel good

Who wouldn't like to look in the mirror and be happy of what he sees?Many times although we love ourselves and feel comfortable about the way we look,there is always in us that feeling that we would prefer us being a little slimmer or have a flat stomach!
We usually fall in the trap of all these diets that we find around,and that could make us lose a little weight,but finally we end up with even more weight and more body fat than before.

Watch this GREAT video and who knows?It might inspire and motivate you for.....a better you!!

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The key to achieve your goals

I had a pleasant afternoon today at home watching on dvd the french movie" The Chef " with Jean Reno.The story was as much predictable but it was fun.The restaurant group's new Ceo expects that the veteran chef will loose a star so he will replace him with a younger chef who specializes in molecular gastronomy.But the assistant of the chef who chases his dream to become a successful chef,with his excellent abilities,lifts up the expectations and earns an extra star!

Although it took the sous-chef a lot of time to succeed,and that was after he changed a few jobs,because he was persistent and he loved dealing with cooking he finally achieved what he dreamed!

The key to succeed is:
  • remain focus on what your goal is
  • be persistent,don't quit even if you think that you are facing a mountain of difficulties
  • get educated and collect as much information as you can
  • fight for what you think is impossible
  • build a positive mental attitude
  • do not fear of failure,after all failure makes us stronger and wiser
Who says that the road to success is easy and without obstacles?Don't loose your faith and keep trying!