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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is a simple and fast way to reduce stress.Nowadays more and more people are stressed about many things in their lives.We all know that chronic stress puts our health at risk.We must take in charge of our lives and try to bring us out of this stressful condition.

The best way to help ourselves is meditation.Everyone can practice meditation,it's simple and it doesn't require any special equipment.You can practice anywhere and whenever you like.

Meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.During meditation we focus our attention,and that, eliminates the stream of bad thoughts that cause stress.

Meditation gives us a sense of calm and peace which helps our emotional well being and health.It helps us focusing on the present,it reduces negative emotions,and increases self awareness.

When we meditate,we clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contribute to our stress.Meditation also might be useful if we have a medical condition,as it is very well known the power of our mind.

Some ways we can practice meditation are:

* Breathe deeply .Focus all attention on your breathing,concentrate on feeling and listening as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils.

* Scan your body .Focus on different parts of your body,and become aware of your body's sensations whether that's pain,tension warmth or relaxation.Combine body scanning with your breathing exercises,and imagine breathing heat or relaxation into and out of different parts of your body.

* Repeat a mantra .You can create your own mantra,you silently repeat a calming word , phrase or thought,to prevent distracting thoughts.

* Visualization.You settle down comfortably,and you begin by becoming aware of your thoughts and distractions that are arising in your mind.Then gently turn your attention to your breath,letting it's rhythm remain normal.As you breath out,imagine that you are breathing away all disturbing thoughts and distractions in the form of black smoke vanishing in the space.As you breath in imagine that you are breathing only blessings and inspiration,in the form of white light which enters your body and absorbs into your heart.Maintain this visualization single-pointedly with each inhalation and exhalation for twenty one rounds or until your mind is peaceful and alert.

The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful,so we will be free from worries and mental discomfort,and eventually we will be free from stress.But,we must meditate every day,several times a day,in order to experience a purer form of happiness.

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