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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How To Use The Law Of Attraction And Be Happy

We,as humans,have magnetic frequencies which attract whatever we are vibrating.Here are some steps of how to use Law Of Attraction:

Pay attention to how you feel. If you are not feeling good, ponder what it is you are thinking that is causing you to feel bad. Work that Subject over in your mind until you have a new thought that raises your vibration. Your feelings are a built-in barometer for how you are vibrating.

Challenge your ingrained beliefs. If you have a pattern of thinking the same way about a particular subject matter—money, health, relationships—you will find that you have ingrained beliefs that are coming up whenever that subject matter comes to mind. Those beliefs can be empowering or they can be dis-empowering ones. Taking a look at your existing circumstances gives you a glimpse as to your overall vibration because whatever you are living - is a reflection of that. That is a good place to start in re-thinking your beliefs.

Let everyone off the hook. Counting on others to behave a certain way in order for you to be happy is a trap. Just like you cannot jump through all the various hoops required in order to make the people close to you happy—the same thing applies to you being able to accommodate all those demands. Take charge of your life and understand that you can be happy no matter what others are doing. It just takes a different perspective. Happier people attract more circumstances to be happy about.

Let yourself off the hook. Stop fretting over all the perceived mistakes you have made. The other people involved in those situations are most likely not even still thinking about what happened. And if they are, it is because they have not been willing to give up that incident in favor of being happy now. Whatever happened, happened. Get over it. Today is a new day with lots of opportunities to do things differently based on what you learned about your preferences.

Love. If you can feel absolute love for everything and everyone around you, you will be in complete and utter harmony with the Universe. Every good thing will come to you!

Believe you deserve a piece of the money cycle. One of the things that people seem to really want the most is money. Money is fantastic, and there is plenty of it. All you have to do is believe that you have all the money you want/need. Write tremendous, million-dollar checks or use Monopoly money to pretend you have all of this money. When you can feel good and secure about money, that's when the magic of wealth begins. Oh, and always feel grateful for any amount of money. Gratitude attracts support.

  • The more you focus on negative emotions, the worse you will feel and the more negative circumstances you will attract. Focus on someone/something you truly care about or love, and then you'll automatically feel good if you think about it for a minute.
  • This is like building a new muscle. And just like exercising a muscle on your body—it is cumulative. 
  • Now is the time to change. Your existing circumstances show who you were, not who you are. The frequency you are on now affects the person you will be, so make sure you feel good!
  • You didn't get to where you are in one day and you won't change things around in one day.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Quotes Of Success

Here are some quotes of success:

"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Les Brown

"If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn

 “Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins

 “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” Donald Trump

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Napoleon Hill

 “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein

Monday, June 10, 2013

Setting goals in your life

Setting goals is very important for our future success.Everyone of us is spending countless hours to think about our present life and our future as well.We all wish to improve our life,and the first thing we do to change the present situation is to set goals.

But why is it important to set goals in our lives?Below you can find some good reasons for that:

1) You take control of your life,because by setting a goal,it gives you direction and helps you decide where to go in your life.

2) You focus on the important things.Goals help us sort out what is important or not to our life.You will spend time to achieve what matters to you.

3) You will make good decisions,because goals will help you identify and establish your priorities.

4) You will be self-confident and enthusiastic,because when you set a goal and measure the achievement,you will be able to see what you are capable of.Achieving your goals will make you believe in yourself,and be more confident.

5) You are closer to success,because goals are the starting point of success.A good start is half the way to success.



1. Specific

Specific means that you describe your goal in as much detail as possible, the more clearly defined, the better.

For example, "I will be fitter than I am now " is a general goal. Instead, "Jogging five miles once a week " is a specific goal. If you dream of a new car, what dose the new car look like? You decide on an "Audi A4, red, including navigation system". Good, this is a specific goal.

The more precise you can be, the better.

2. Measurable

To see if your goal is measurable, you may ask questions such as How many? How much? How do I know when the goal is achieved?

You will know how you process your goal when making it measurable. You stay on track, reach your goal little by little, and see your progress.

If a goal can not be measurable, it is not a smart goal. That's why "happy" or "successful" are not goals as such. Be specific! "I want to run 10 miles every day " shows the specific target to be measured. "I want to be a good runner" is not as measurable.

3. Achievable
It means that you can complete the goal. It doesn't mean easy, just that you can have a reasonable expectation of achieving the goal.

4. Relevant
Relevant means that the goal is important to you. It's something that you genuinely want, that fits in with your values and beliefs, and that you are prepared to work towards the goal.

It's important to distinguish here between a goal and a passing thought. For example, you may like the notion of becoming a top racing driver, but are you really prepared to get up early and train every single day for the next 5 years?

5. Time-bound
Time-bound is the last factor. It means you have to put a deadline on achieving your goal. Well, suppose we don't put a deadline, how long is it going to take? Maybe forever. So add a completion date to your goal.

Once you have set up a goal, find out if your goal is smart according to this system. Adjust your goal until it is a smart goal.